Durban University of Technology (DUT) is a prominent educational institution known for its dynamic and practical approach to higher education. DUT combines vibrant academic life with a rich cultural diversity, enabling students to gain quality education and real-world experience in various fields of study. Located in the bustling city of Durban, DUT is dedicated to nurturing innovation and creativity across its numerous faculties.

Minimum Course Requirements at DUT

DUT offers different levels of qualifications, each with specific minimum requirements according to the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF):

For Higher Certificates:

  • A National Senior Certificate (NSC) certified by Umalusi, with a minimum achievement rating of 3 for English.

For Diplomas:

  • An NSC, also certified by Umalusi, requiring at least a minimum achievement rating of 3 for English and a rating of 3 in four recognized NSC 20-credit subjects.

For Bachelor’s Degrees:

  • An NSC with a minimum achievement rating of 3 for English and a rating of 4 in four NSC 20-credit subjects from the designated subject list.

Minimum Entry Requirements for Admission for Applicants with NCV Level Four

DUT also provides pathways for students with a National Certificate (Vocational) Level Four:

For Higher Certificates:

  • At least 50% in English.

For Diplomas:

  • Minimum of 50% in three fundamental subjects including English; and
  • At least 60% in three compulsory vocational subjects.

For Bachelor’s Degrees:

  • At least 60% in three fundamental subjects, including English; and
  • At least 70% in four compulsory vocational subjects, chosen from the National Certificate (Vocational) Level Four subjects.

Types of Courses Offered at DUT

DUT offers a wide array of courses across various faculties:

  • Health Sciences: Programs focus on areas such as nursing, public health, and radiography.
  • Engineering: Degrees in civil, electrical, and chemical engineering emphasize problem-solving and technical skills.
  • Business Studies: From accounting to marketing, these programs prepare students for the corporate world.
  • Information Technology: Courses designed to produce skilled professionals in software development, networking, and IT security.
  • Creative Arts: Degrees in graphic design, fashion, and fine art nurture creativity and artistic talent.
  • Hospitality and Tourism: These programs offer practical skills and knowledge in tourism management and culinary arts.

DUT’s programs are structured to ensure graduates are well-prepared to meet the challenges of their professions and contribute meaningfully to their communities and industries.

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