To become a Software Engineer in South Africa, students should focus on specific subjects from Grade 10 through Grade 12. Here’s a detailed guide on the subjects required, APS score requirements, and additional insights for aspiring software engineers.

Grade 10 Subjects Requirements

In Grade 10, students should choose subjects that build a strong foundation in mathematics, physical sciences, and technology. These subjects include:

  • Mathematics: Critical for problem-solving, logical thinking, and understanding complex algorithms.
  • Physical Sciences: Provides a foundation in physics and chemistry, essential for understanding computing hardware and electronics.
  • Information Technology (IT): Essential for developing skills in programming, data analysis, and understanding computer systems.
  • Engineering Graphics and Design: Helps in understanding technical drawings and design, which can be useful for software development.
  • English: Important for effective communication, report writing, and understanding technical documents.

Grade 12 Subjects Requirements

Continuing with these subjects into Grade 12 is crucial. At this stage, students should aim to excel in the following:

  • Mathematics: Advanced mathematical skills are essential for complex algorithms, data structures, and problem-solving in software development.
  • Physical Sciences: In-depth understanding of physics principles applied to computing and electronics.
  • Information Technology (IT): Advanced skills in programming languages, software development, and data management.
  • Engineering Graphics and Design: Skills in interpreting and creating technical drawings and designs.
  • English: Proficiency in communication, essential for writing code documentation, reports, and collaboration with team members.

APS Score Requirements

For entry into software engineering programs at universities in South Africa, students typically need to meet certain APS (Admission Point Score) requirements. These can vary by institution, but a general guideline is:

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Further Education and Training

After completing Grade 12, aspiring software engineers can pursue further education and training at:

  • Universities: Offering Bachelor of Science (BSc) degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, or Software Engineering.
  • Universities of Technology: Offering degrees and diplomas in software development, computer systems, and related fields.

Mathematics and Physical Sciences are essential for anyone serious about becoming a software engineer, as they are crucial for understanding the technical and scientific aspects of computing. Information Technology (IT) provides practical skills in programming and software development. Engineering Graphics and Design helps in understanding technical aspects of software and hardware integration. English is important for effective communication and documentation.

Can I Still Be a Software Engineer Without Maths and Physical Sciences Subjects?

Can I Still Be a Software Engineer Without Maths and Physical Sciences Subjects?
Can I Still Be a Software Engineer Without Maths and Physical Sciences Subjects?


In South Africa, mathematics is crucial for software engineering, especially in areas involving algorithms, data structures, cryptography, and machine learning. These skills are developed through subjects like Mathematics at the Matric level. If you didn’t take Mathematics or struggled with it, you might find these areas challenging. However, resources such as the National Institute for the Deaf (NID) Academy, online courses from platforms like Coursera and Khan Academy, and bridging courses at universities and TVET colleges can help you improve your mathematical skills.

Key Point: Not having advanced mathematics can be a disadvantage, but supplementary courses and online resources can help you catch up.

Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences, particularly Physics, are less critical unless you’re entering fields like embedded systems or robotics, which intersect with hardware. A basic understanding of electronics is beneficial but not essential for most software engineering roles. If you lack this background, you can still succeed by focusing on software development. South African students can access resources through institutions like Unisa or short courses at local universities.

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Key Point: Physical sciences are useful but not essential for most software engineering roles. Specialized knowledge can be acquired through targeted learning.

Information Technology (IT)

IT is directly relevant as it covers practical skills applicable to software engineering, such as programming and database management. If you didn’t take IT in high school, you might need to work harder to learn these skills. Fortunately, South Africa offers many options, such as short courses at TVET colleges, online platforms like Udemy, and coding bootcamps like WeThinkCode_ and CodeSpace.

Key Point: Lack of formal IT education can be offset by practical experience and self-directed learning.

Engineering Graphics and Design

Engineering Graphics and Design are more relevant to fields like civil or mechanical engineering. For software engineering, understanding design principles can be helpful, particularly in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. However, it’s not usually a core requirement. For those interested, online courses and university modules in South Africa can provide these skills.

Key Point: Not essential for most software engineering roles, but beneficial for UI/UX design.


Proficiency in English is crucial for South African software engineers. Clear communication is essential for writing code documentation, creating reports, and collaborating with team members. Poor English skills can hinder your ability to work effectively in a team and understand complex documentation. Schools and universities in South Africa offer courses to improve English proficiency, and there are numerous online resources available.

Key Point: Essential for effective communication and collaboration in software engineering.

Qualifications for Becoming a Software Engineer

  1. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering: Universities like the University of Cape Town, University of Pretoria, University of Johannesburg, and Stellenbosch University offer strong programs that cover all essential subjects, including mathematics, programming, and system design.
  2. Coding Bootcamps: Intensive, short-term training programs like those offered by WeThinkCode_ and HyperionDev focus on practical skills and job readiness. Many successful South African software engineers come from bootcamp backgrounds.
  3. Online Courses and Certifications: Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer courses and nanodegrees in software engineering, often in partnership with top universities and companies. South African students can access these globally recognized programs to gain relevant skills.
  4. Associate Degrees: TVET colleges offer diplomas and associate degrees in computer science or software development, which can be a stepping stone to a bachelor’s degree or entry-level job.
  5. Self-Taught: Many successful South African software engineers are self-taught. Building a portfolio of projects and contributing to open-source projects can demonstrate your skills to potential employers. Platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow are valuable for showcasing and developing your skills.