To become a Robotics Engineer in South Africa, students should focus on specific subjects from Grade 10 through Grade 12. Here’s a detailed guide on the subjects required, APS score requirements, and additional insights for aspiring robotics engineers.

Grade 10 Subjects Required

In Grade 10, students should choose subjects that lay a strong foundation in mathematics, physical sciences, and technology. These subjects include:

  • Mathematics: Critical for problem-solving and understanding complex engineering concepts.
  • Physical Sciences: Provides a foundation in physics and chemistry, which are essential for understanding the principles behind robotics.
  • Information Technology (IT): Useful for developing skills in programming, data analysis, and understanding computer systems.
  • Engineering Graphics and Design: Helps in understanding technical drawings and design, important for creating and interpreting robotic systems.
  • Technology: Focuses on practical and theoretical aspects of technological processes and engineering principles.

Grade 12 Subjects Required

Continuing with these subjects into Grade 12 is crucial. At this stage, students should aim to excel in the following:

  • Mathematics: Advanced mathematical skills are essential for engineering calculations and problem-solving.
  • Physical Sciences: In-depth understanding of physics and chemistry principles applied in robotics.
  • Information Technology (IT): Advanced skills in programming, software development, and data management.
  • Engineering Graphics and Design: Advanced skills in interpreting and creating technical drawings and designs.
  • Technology: Enhanced understanding of engineering principles and technological applications in robotics.

APS Score Requirements

For entry into robotics engineering programs at universities in South Africa, students typically need to meet certain APS (Admission Point Score) requirements. These can vary by institution, but a general guideline is:

  • Minimum APS of 35-40: This range is usually required for entry into Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) programs in robotics engineering or related fields. Specific requirements may vary by university.
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Further Education and Training

After completing Grade 12, aspiring robotics engineers can pursue further education at:

  • Universities: Offering Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) degrees in robotics engineering, mechatronics, or related fields.
  • Universities of Technology: Offering degrees and diplomas in robotics, automation, and mechatronics engineering.

Mathematics and Physical Sciences are non-negotiable for anyone serious about becoming a robotics engineer. Information Technology and Engineering Graphics and Design provide additional context and skills that are highly valuable in designing, programming, and building robots. Technology offers a practical understanding of engineering principles that are directly applicable to robotics.

Can I Still Become a Robotics Engineer in South Africa Without These Subjects?


Mathematics is essential for robotics engineers, as it involves advanced calculations and problem-solving skills crucial for engineering tasks. If you didn’t take Mathematics or struggled with it, this could pose challenges in your studies and professional work. However, many South African universities and TVET colleges offer bridging courses to help you develop these skills.

Key Point: Not having advanced Mathematics can be a disadvantage, but supplementary courses and practical experience can help you catch up.

Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences provides an in-depth understanding of physics and chemistry principles applied in robotics. If you didn’t take Physical Sciences, you might find it difficult to grasp certain key concepts in robotics engineering. However, additional learning through targeted courses at universities or online platforms can help you gain the necessary knowledge.

Key Point: Lack of Physical Sciences background can be mitigated through targeted learning and practical experience.

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Information Technology (IT)

Information Technology (IT) skills, particularly in programming, software development, and data management, are crucial for robotics engineers. If you didn’t take IT, you might struggle with the technological aspects of robotics. However, there are many resources available to learn these skills, including online courses and coding bootcamps.

Key Point: IT skills are essential, but you can learn to program and manage data through online courses and practical experience.

Qualifications for Becoming a Robotics Engineer in South Africa

  1. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, or Mechatronics): Universities like the University of Pretoria, University of Cape Town, and Stellenbosch University offer programs that cover essential subjects, including mathematics, physics, programming, and engineering principles.
  2. Bachelor’s Degree in Robotics Engineering: Some institutions may offer specialized degrees in robotics engineering that provide a more focused curriculum on robotics.
  3. Short Courses and Certifications: Various institutions and online platforms offer short courses and certifications in robotics, programming, and related fields, which can enhance your skills and knowledge.
  4. Practical Experience: Gaining hands-on experience through internships, projects, and practical workshops is crucial. Many South African universities and companies offer opportunities for practical training in robotics.
  5. Continuous Professional Development (CPD): Engaging in ongoing education through workshops, seminars, and advanced courses to stay updated with the latest practices in robotics engineering.

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