How to Calculate Your APS Score at the UJ:

To calculate your APS Score at the UJ, you must:

  • identify the subjects that are relevant to the course you are applying for, which typically include four compulsory subjects and three additional subjects relevant to your field of study.
  • Then, take your final Grade 12 marks for each of these subjects and convert them into APS points based on UJ’s scale: 80-100% is 7 points, 70-79% is 6 points, 60-69% is 5 points, 50-59% is 4 points, 40-49% is 3 points, 30-39% is 2 points, and 0-29% is 1 point.
  • Finally, sum up the APS points for all seven subjects to get your total APS Score. Compare this total with the minimum APS requirements for your chosen course to determine your eligibility.

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Detailed Steps to Calculate APS Score for UJ

To calculate your APS score at UJ, you should follow the following detailed steps:

  1. Identify Relevant Subjects: Identify the subjects that are pertinent to the course you are applying for. These usually include four compulsory subjects, such as Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, Life Orientation, and the language of instruction, along with three other subjects relevant to your chosen field of study. These can be viewed on the UJ Prospectus Here.
  2. Find Your Grade 12 Marks: Look up your final marks for each subject in your Grade 12 report.
  3. Convert Marks to Points: Convert each subject’s mark to APS points using the UJ APS scale. The scale generally runs from 1 to 7, where:
    • 80-100% = 7 points
    • 70-79% = 6 points
    • 60-69% = 5 points
    • 50-59% = 4 points
    • 40-49% = 3 points
    • 30-39% = 2 points
    • 0-29% = 1 point
  4. Sum it Up: Add up the APS points for all seven subjects to get your total APS Score.
  5. Compare With Requirements: Once you have your total APS, compare it with the minimum APS requirements for the course you wish to apply for at UJ.

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Example Calculation

Let’s assume you have the following Grade 12 marks for the subjects pertinent to your chosen course:

  • Mathematics: 75% = 6 points
  • English: 80% = 7 points
  • Life Orientation: 70% = 6 points
  • Biology: 65% = 5 points
  • Physics: 60% = 5 points
  • Chemistry: 70% = 6 points
  • History: 85% = 7 points

Total APS Score: 6 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 42

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing how to calculate your APS Score can help you evaluate your eligibility for specific courses.
  • Always consult the UJ website or contact the admissions office for the most current APS requirements and guidelines.

Ready to start your journey at the University of Johannesburg? Understanding your APS Score is your first step towards a successful application.

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