TUT Nursing Requirements: A Comprehensive Career Guide

Embarking on a career in nursing at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is an admirable choice, offering a blend of rigorous academic training and practical experience. If you’re considering this path, it’s essential to understand the specific requirements and processes involved in gaining admission to the nursing program at the Pretoria Campus. Here’s everything you need to know to prepare yourself for a successful application.

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Admission Requirements

To apply for the nursing program at TUT, you must meet the following academic criteria:

  • Educational Background: Possession of a National Senior Certificate with a bachelor’s degree endorsement, or an equivalent qualification recognized by South African authorities.
  • Subject Requirements: Minimum achievement level of 4 (approximately 50-59%) in:
  • English (Home Language or First Additional Language),
  • Mathematics or Technical Mathematics, and
  • Life Sciences.
  • International Qualifications: Candidates with qualifications obtained outside of South Africa must have their qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

These prerequisites ensure that all applicants have a solid foundation in essential subjects, which is crucial for advanced studies in nursing.

Selection Criteria and Procedures

The selection process for the TUT nursing program is multi-phased and designed to assess both academic readiness and potential for success in the field:

  • Phase 1: Initial screening based on the Admission Point Score (APS), which must be at least 25, excluding Life Orientation.
  • Phase 2: Applicants with an APS between 25 and 29 undergo a TUT potential assessment test, needing at least a 50% score to move forward.
  • Phase 3: Applicants scoring an APS of 30 or higher are exempt from the potential assessment and automatically considered for entry into the program.
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This rigorous selection process helps ensure that only the most capable and dedicated students are admitted, maintaining the high standards of TUT’s nursing education.

Academic Structure and Opportunities

The nursing program spans four years, involving intensive day classes that cover both theoretical and practical aspects of nursing. Successful completion of this program leads to registration as a professional nurse and midwife, opening doors to various career opportunities in healthcare settings.

Career Prospects

Graduates can pursue careers as:

  • Independent Nursing Practitioners
  • Midwives
  • Specialized Nurses in areas like surgery, pediatrics, or emergency care

Further academic pursuits include:

  • Master of Nursing (MNursing)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Science

Application Details

TUT Application Guide

Choosing to study nursing at TUT not only prepares you for a rewarding career in healthcare but also provides a solid foundation for further specialization. With the program’s comprehensive training and TUT’s commitment to excellence, graduates are well-equipped to meet the challenges of modern healthcare and contribute significantly to the well-being of society.


Can I do Nursing with Maths Literacy at TUT?

For nursing at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in South Africa, the entry requirements specifically include Mathematics or Technical Mathematics with an achievement level of at least 4. Maths Literacy is not listed as an acceptable alternative for the nursing program according to the current entry requirements. You also need to meet the requirement of having a level 4 in Life Sciences and English.