What happens when you upgrade your matric results and fail?

When you upgrade your Matric results and fail, the following happens:

  • Updated Matric Certificate: Your most recent attempt is reflected on your Matric certificate, showing the new grades, which could be lower, the same, or higher than your original marks.
  • No Erasure of Previous Attempts: Failing to upgrade does not erase your initial results; the upgrade simply updates your academic record with the latest scores.
  • Further Education and Career Options Remain Open: Despite the setback, you still have pathways to further education and career opportunities. You can:
    • Retake the exams to try for better grades.
    • Explore alternative qualifications or different educational routes that align with your career goals.
    • Consider vocational training or specific certificate courses relevant to your desired career.
    • Look into bridging courses that can help you improve academic skills and qualify for higher education programs.

Retaking or upgrading your Matric results can be a path to unlocking opportunities that were not available with your initial results. However, like any exam, there’s the potential of not achieving the desired outcome. Below, we will explore what happens when you upgrade your Matric results and fail, and provide options for moving forward.

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What Happens when you Upgrade your Matric Results and Fail

If you attempt to upgrade your Matric results and fail, your original results will still stand as the Department of Basic Education in South Africa does not replace a higher score from the original exam with a lower score from a rewrite. However, failing the rewrite could limit your future opportunities to improve that specific subject grade due to the limits on the number of times you can rewrite a particular subject. Even if you fail, there are various options available, including retaking the subject if allowed, considering vocational education, exploring short courses, or applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

The Upgrading Process

The Department of Basic Education in South Africa provides an opportunity for those who have already written their Matric exams to upgrade their results. This can be done by rewriting one or more subjects in the following year’s examination period.

Consequences of Failing an Upgrade

If you attempt to upgrade your Matric results and fail, several things can happen:

  1. Your original results stand: If you score lower in the rewrite than you did in the original exam, your original results will stand. The Department of Basic Education does not penalize students for attempting to improve their grades, and a lower score in the rewrite will not replace a higher score from the original exam.
  2. Limited attempts: Please note that there are limits on the number of times you can rewrite a particular subject. So if you fail the rewrite, it could limit the opportunities you have to improve that specific subject grade in the future.

Next Steps After Failing an Upgrade

Failing a Matric rewrite can be discouraging, but there are still options available:

  1. Retake the Subject: As noted earlier, there are limits to how many times you can rewrite a particular subject. However, if you’ve not reached this limit, you can consider re-registering to rewrite the subject in the next examination period.
  2. Consider Vocational Education: Vocational education and training (TVET) colleges offer practical, career-focused training in various fields. Entry requirements often differ from those of universities and could be an option worth considering.
  3. Explore Short Courses or Skills Programs: There are numerous short courses and skills programs available that don’t require Matric or have flexible entry requirements. These courses can equip you with valuable skills for specific careers.
  4. Apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): RPL is a process by which the knowledge and skills you’ve gained through work experience or informal training are recognized. It might be possible to gain entry into certain programs or courses through RPL, even without a strong Matric certificate.
READ  Online Registration for Matric Rewrite

Failing an attempt to upgrade Matric results can be a setback, but it’s not the end of the road. The most important thing is to stay motivated, explore all available options, and remember that there are multiple paths to reaching your career and educational goals. Don’t let a failed upgrade deter you from pursuing your ambitions; instead, let it be a stepping stone towards finding the best route for your unique journey.

Consequences of Failing a Matric Rewrite

If you don’t pass your Matric rewrite, don’t lose hope. You have the opportunity to attempt the rewrite again. Alternatively, you can explore other educational pathways such as vocational training or adult education programs. These paths can also lead to successful careers and further learning opportunities.

Combining Matric Results for Improved Scores

Yes, you are allowed to combine your Matric results. This means that if you have written the Matric exams more than once, you can select your best scores from different sittings to compile a better overall result. This can be particularly beneficial if you’ve improved in certain subjects in subsequent rewrites.

Repeatedly Upgrading Matric Scores

There is no official limit on the number of times you can rewrite or upgrade your Matric subjects. You can retake these exams until you achieve the scores you desire. Each attempt is an opportunity to improve your understanding and performance in the subjects.

University Acceptance of Upgraded Matric Results

Universities generally accept upgraded Matric results. Upgrading your marks can be a significant step towards meeting the entrance criteria of higher education institutions. Universities recognize the effort and dedication it takes to improve your scores, viewing upgraded results as a testament to your commitment to education.

FAQs Regarding Matric Upgrade / Rewrite

FAQs Regarding Matric Upgrade
FAQs Regarding Matric Upgrade

Can I combine my Matric results even if I failed?

Yes, you can combine your Matric results even if you failed, to show the best grades achieved across multiple attempts.

Combining Matric results allows you to consolidate your highest scores from different sittings into a single certificate. This can be particularly beneficial if you’ve improved in some subjects but not others. The process involves applying through the Department of Basic Education or the relevant examination board.

How does upgrading Matric results work?

Upgrading Matric results involves retaking subjects to improve your grades.

When you decide to upgrade your Matric results, you’re essentially signing up to retake exams in subjects where you wish to achieve higher marks. This process is aimed at enhancing your overall Matric score, potentially opening up more opportunities for further education or career paths.

Can I combine my Matric results even if I failed 2 subjects?

Yes, you can combine your Matric results even if you failed 2 subjects, focusing on your best grades across attempts.

If you’ve failed two subjects but succeeded in improving your grades in subsequent attempts, you can combine these results. This method highlights your best performances, which can be crucial for applications to further education or for job opportunities where specific subject marks are important.

Do universities accept upgraded marks?

Universities generally accept upgraded marks, recognizing your most recent Matric results.

Most universities and higher education institutions acknowledge the effort and determination it takes to upgrade Matric results. Therefore, they accept these updated marks as part of your application. It demonstrates resilience and the willingness to improve, qualities valued in higher education.

How long does it take to combine Matric results after upgrading?

Combining Matric results takes 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the processing times of the examination board.

After upgrading your Matric results, the process to combine them into a single certificate varies in duration. It typically requires submitting an application to the Department of Basic Education or the relevant examination authority, which will then process your request. Patience is key, as these bodies handle numerous applications, especially post-examination periods.

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What is the difference between rewriting and upgrading Matric?

Rewriting Matric involves taking the Matric exams again, typically for subjects you failed or wish to improve. Upgrading Matric means you are specifically aiming to improve your grades in certain subjects to enhance your overall Matric certificate.

The main difference lies in the intention and scope. Rewriting can be about simply passing failed subjects, while upgrading is focused on improving existing grades to meet specific goals, such as university admission requirements. Both processes involve sitting for exams again but with different end goals in mind.

How much does a Matric upgrade cost?

The cost of a Matric upgrade can vary widely, ranging from R100 to R5000, depending on the institution and the number of subjects you choose to upgrade.

The cost associated with upgrading your Matric results depends on several factors, including the educational institution, the mode of instruction (online or in-person), and the number of subjects you’re upgrading. Some organizations offer financial aid or payment plans to help manage these costs.

How to rewrite Matric for free?

To rewrite Matric for free, explore government initiatives, such as the Second Chance Programme, through the Department of Basic Education.

Individuals looking to rewrite their Matric without incurring costs should research government-sponsored programs and non-profit organizations that offer free Matric rewrite opportunities. These are often aimed at supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who narrowly missed passing or improving their grades.

Can I apply at university while upgrading my Matric?

Yes, you can apply to university while upgrading your Matric, but admission will typically be conditional on achieving the required upgrade results.

Many universities allow applications from students who are in the process of upgrading their Matric results. However, any offer of admission would usually be conditional, requiring the applicant to meet the necessary academic standards through the upgrade before enrollment is confirmed.

Can I apply for NSFAS if I failed Matric?

Yes, you can apply for NSFAS if you are planning to rewrite or upgrade your Matric to improve your results and meet the entry requirements for a NSFAS-funded course.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) supports students who intend to study at public universities or TVET colleges. If you’ve failed Matric and plan to rewrite or upgrade, you can apply for NSFAS funding. However, funding approval will depend on your meeting the academic admission requirements of your chosen course and institution.

Does UJ accept upgraded marks?

Yes, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) generally accepts upgraded Matric marks. Students who have improved their results through a Matric upgrade can submit these for consideration in their application.

UJ recognizes the effort and commitment involved in upgrading Matric results and typically allows applicants to submit these improved scores as part of their application process. It’s advisable, however, to check directly with the university for specific course requirements and to confirm the latest admission policies.

Does Wits accept upgraded marks?

Yes, the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) accepts upgraded Matric marks for admission purposes. Candidates who have upgraded their Matric results can use them to apply for their chosen programs.

Wits understands that students seek to upgrade their Matric marks to meet admission criteria or improve their chances of selection for competitive programs. Applicants should ensure they meet all other admission requirements and submit their upgraded results within the application deadlines.

Does NWU accept upgraded results?

Yes, North-West University (NWU) accepts upgraded Matric results from applicants. These results can be used to meet the university’s admission requirements.

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NWU allows students who have taken steps to upgrade their Matric marks to submit these improved results when applying. As policies may vary by faculty or specific program, it’s recommended to consult directly with NWU’s admissions office for detailed guidance.

Can I apply at UFS while upgrading?

Yes, you can apply to the University of the Free State (UFS) while you are in the process of upgrading your Matric results. Admission may be conditional upon the successful upgrade of your Matric scores.

The University of the Free State permits applications from students who are actively working to improve their Matric results. Such applications are considered, but final acceptance into chosen programs will depend on the outcome of the Matric upgrade. Prospective students should communicate their situation and submit their upgraded results as soon as they are available to meet any set deadlines.

Does UKZN accept upgraded matric results?

Yes, the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) accepts upgraded Matric results for admission purposes. Students who have enhanced their academic records through a Matric upgrade can present these results as part of their application process.

UKZN, like many higher education institutions, recognizes the value and effort of upgrading Matric marks to meet admission standards or improve eligibility for specific programs. It’s crucial, however, for applicants to verify directly with the university for any program-specific requirements and submission deadlines.

Who qualifies for a Matric upgrade?

Anyone who has completed their Matric and wishes to improve their marks qualifies for a Matric upgrade. This includes individuals looking to meet university entrance requirements, qualify for a specific course, or enhance their job prospects.

Typically, there are no restrictions on who can undertake a Matric upgrade, provided they have previously sat for the Matric exams. Whether it’s recent graduates or individuals who completed their schooling years ago, all have the opportunity to improve their results.

How many times can you upgrade Matric?

There is no official limit to the number of times you can attempt to upgrade your Matric results. Individuals can choose to upgrade their marks as often as needed to achieve their desired outcomes.

The decision to undertake multiple Matric upgrades should be carefully considered, focusing on the specific subjects where improvement is needed and the potential benefits of higher marks for future education or career goals.

Does NSFAS pay for Matric upgrade?

No, NSFAS does not cover the costs for Matric upgrades. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) provides financial support for tertiary education but does not extend this support to Matric rewrite or upgrade programs.

Individuals looking to upgrade their Matric results would need to explore other funding options or institutions that might offer financial assistance for such purposes.

How many subjects can you rewrite?

You can rewrite as many subjects as you need to improve your Matric results. However, practical considerations, such as time and resources, may influence the number of subjects you choose to tackle in a single session.

The flexibility to rewrite multiple subjects provides an opportunity for students to focus on areas where they seek improvement, with the ultimate goal of enhancing their overall Matric certificate for further education or career advancement purposes.