Ever wondered, “What can I actually do with my Honours Degree in Psychology in South Africa?” You’re not alone. This is a question that keeps popping up, especially as the field of psychology continues to evolve. Here’s the thing – while an undergraduate or honours degree in psychology doesn’t qualify you to be a Counsellor or Psychologist as per the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) regulations, it definitely doesn’t leave you out in the cold.

In South Africa, and in many places around the world, becoming a psychologist isn’t just about having passion or interest in the field; it requires specific educational qualifications, especially a master’s degree.

In South Africa:

  • Strict Requirements: To be a licensed psychologist in South Africa, you must have a master’s degree in psychology. This is a non-negotiable requirement set by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
  • Why a Master’s Degree? The master’s program provides intensive training, practical experience, and in-depth study. It’s designed to ensure that psychologists have the necessary skills and understanding to practice effectively and ethically.


  • A Global Standard: Similar to South Africa, many countries require a master’s degree as the minimum qualification for practicing psychologists. This standard ensures a high level of competence and ethical practice in the field.
  • Varied Regulations: While the master’s degree is a common requirement, regulations can vary from country to country. Some might require additional certifications or specific types of master’s degrees.

So, if you’re aiming to become a psychologist, gearing up for a master’s degree in psychology is a crucial step. It’s more than just a formal requirement; it’s a foundational part of your journey to becoming a qualified and effective psychologist.

So, let’s dive into the world beyond the typical ‘psychologist’ title and discover the exciting opportunities your psychology degree can offer.

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Jobs You Can Get With an Honours Degree in Psychology

With an Honours in Psychology, you can qualify to get jobs such as:

  • Sales & Marketing
  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Lecturing and Tutoring
  • Market Research
  • UX Design

Sales & Marketing

If you’ve got a knack for understanding people’s needs (sometimes even before they do), then sales and marketing could be your playground. Your grasp of human behavior and what drives decision-making can make you a star in creating compelling marketing strategies or excelling in sales roles.

READ  APS Scores Requirements for Psychology Degrees in South African Universities

Further Training: Brush up on specific product knowledge or marketing trends through in-house or online courses.

Human Resources (HR)

HR and psychology are like two peas in a pod. With your understanding of human behavior, you could thrive in corporate settings, managing employee relations or conducting workplace satisfaction surveys.

Further Training: If HR wasn’t part of your major, look into short courses or additional HR modules.

Lecturing and Tutoring

Share your passion for psychology by teaching it. You could find yourself lecturing at a university or tutoring students, inspiring the next generation of psychology enthusiasts.

Further Training: Aim for a higher degree in Psychology and consider a lecturing qualification.

Market Research

Your ability to hypothesize and understand human behavior can make you an asset in any research team, even without being a registered Research Psychologist.

Further Training: Further study in research methods and psychology can solidify your position in this field.

UX Design

The tech world needs people who understand user behavior. As a UX designer, you’d be shaping how users interact with digital products.

Further Training: Look into UX design courses, and perhaps some IT and coding skills.


The educational sector can benefit greatly from your insight into learning and behavior. Teaching is not just about content; it’s about understanding your students.

Further Training: A Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) is needed for formal teaching roles in South Africa.

Administration and Office Management

Believe it or not, your organisational skills and ability to understand people can make you an excellent admin or office manager, especially in a psychology practice.

Further Training: Generally none, but some short courses could help in efficiency and management skills.


You can identify personality traits and skills that make someone the perfect fit for a role. Your psychological insight is valuable in recruitment.

Further Training: Usually none required.

Community Management

Managing a brand’s community, be it online or in-person, requires an understanding of group dynamics and social behavior – right up your alley!

Further Training: Short courses in community and social media management could be beneficial.

Customer Care Consultant

Your degree equips you with empathy and understanding, which are gold in customer service roles.

READ  Where Can You Study Psychology Online in South Africa?

Further Training: Most of the training is provided in-house by the employer.

Promotions & Retail

Utilize your psychological know-how to excel in retail or promotional work. Understanding diverse groups of people can give you an edge.

Further Training: Generally none, but expect some product-specific training.

HIV/AIDS Testing

Your psychological background can be a valuable asset in community health initiatives.

Further Training: Look for courses from organizations like hivsa.com.

Content Creation

Psychology graduates can excel in content creation, using their understanding of human interests and motivations to craft compelling articles, videos, or social media posts.

Further Training: Courses in digital marketing or multimedia production can be beneficial.

Event Management

Organizing events requires an acute understanding of human dynamics and preferences. Your psychology background can help you tailor events that resonate with your audience.

Further Training: Short courses in event planning and management.

Digital Marketing

Utilize your knowledge of human behavior to create targeted digital marketing campaigns. Understanding consumer psychology can be a game-changer in this field.

Further Training: Digital marketing courses, including SEO and social media marketing.

Accounts Management

In roles that involve managing client accounts, your skills in understanding and predicting client needs can lead to more effective and satisfying client relationships.

Further Training: Courses in sales, customer relationship management, or specific industry knowledge.

Project Management

Your ability to understand team dynamics and motivate people can be crucial in managing projects efficiently.

Further Training: Project management certifications like PMP or Agile methodologies.

Student Advisor

Advising students on their academic journey requires empathy and the ability to understand a diverse range of student needs and challenges.

Further Training: Additional courses in education or counseling.

Learning Facilitator

Work in corporate training or educational settings, using your knowledge to create effective learning environments and materials.

Further Training: Qualifications in adult education or instructional design.

Development Manager

In roles focused on business or organizational development, use your insight into human behavior to drive change and growth.

Further Training: Business management or leadership courses.

Debtors Manager

Manage debt collection or financial counseling with an understanding of people’s attitudes towards money and debt.

READ  What Grade 12 Subjects are Needed to Become a Psychologist in SA?

Further Training: Financial management or accounting courses.

Retail Management

Running a retail business or department can greatly benefit from your understanding of consumer behavior and employee management.

Further Training: Retail management or business administration courses.

Social Media Management

Use your psychology background to understand and engage with online communities effectively.

Further Training: Specialized courses in social media strategies and analytics.

Health and Wellness Coaching

Apply psychological principles to help individuals achieve their health and wellness goals.

Further Training: Certifications in health coaching or nutrition.

Youth Worker

Work with young people in community settings, using your understanding of developmental psychology to provide support and guidance.

Further Training: Youth work or social work courses.

Policy Analysis

Contribute to the development of policies in various sectors by understanding the psychological impact of these policies on individuals and communities.

Further Training: Public policy or public administration courses.

Career Counseling

Assist individuals in making informed career choices based on their psychological profiles and aptitudes.

Further Training: Specific training in career guidance and counseling.

Remember, the skills you’ve developed during your psychology studies, such as critical thinking, understanding human behavior, and communication, are highly transferable and valued across many sectors. So, think creatively and be open to exploring roles where these skills can be applied. The possibilities are vast and varied!

But what if you’re still eyeing a career in counselling or psychology?

Don’t worry, further studies can lead you there. Consider programmes like BPsych, a Masters in Counselling Psychology, or even specializations like a Psychometrist or a Registered Counsellor. Remember, these roles require practical training and registration with the HPCSA.

And there you have it! A psychology degree opens more doors than you might have thought. It’s not just about what you know, but how you apply it. So, go ahead and explore these avenues – your psychology background might just be the key to a fulfilling and exciting career path!