To become a Radio Presenter in South Africa, students should focus on specific subjects from Grade 10 through Grade 12. Here’s a detailed guide on the subjects required, APS score requirements, and additional insights for aspiring radio presenters.

Grade 10 Subjects Required

In Grade 10, students should choose subjects that enhance their communication skills and general knowledge. These subjects include:

  • English: Essential for developing strong communication skills, both written and verbal, which are crucial for a radio presenter.
  • Life Orientation: Helps in understanding diverse social issues, which can be beneficial for discussing various topics on air.
  • Information Technology (IT): Useful for developing skills in handling broadcasting equipment and software.
  • Drama: Helps in developing confidence, voice modulation, and public speaking skills.
  • Business Studies: Provides knowledge about the media industry, marketing, and advertising, which are relevant for a career in radio.

Grade 12 Subjects Required

Continuing with these subjects into Grade 12 is crucial. At this stage, students should aim to excel in the following:

  • English: Advanced proficiency in communication, critical for creating engaging content and interacting with listeners.
  • Life Orientation: Deeper understanding of social issues and interpersonal skills.
  • Information Technology (IT): Advanced skills in using broadcasting software and technology.
  • Drama: Enhanced skills in performance, public speaking, and voice training.
  • Business Studies: Knowledge of the media industry, marketing strategies, and understanding the business side of radio broadcasting.

APS Score Requirements

For entry into media studies or communication programs at universities in South Africa, which are beneficial for a career in radio presenting, students typically need to meet certain APS (Admission Point Score) requirements. These can vary by institution, but a general guideline is:

  • Minimum APS of 26-30: This range is usually required for entry into Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Communication (BCom) programs. Specific requirements may vary by university.
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Further Education and Training

After completing Grade 12, aspiring radio presenters can pursue further education and training at:

  • Universities: Offering Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Media Studies, Communication, or Journalism.
  • Colleges: Providing diplomas and certificates in Radio Production, Broadcasting, and Media.
  • Radio Stations: Internships and training programs provided by radio stations can offer practical experience.

English is non-negotiable for anyone serious about becoming a radio presenter, as communication is the core of the job. Drama and Life Orientation help develop the soft skills necessary for engaging with an audience and handling diverse topics confidently.